
Psychometric evaluations are the foundation for all training and coaching programs at Soul Career®. They are a powerful tool for understanding and optimizing the potential of individuals and teams, ultimately contributing to enhanced performance, communication, and overall success. They employ standardized methods to gather data about an individual's preferences, behaviours, and communication styles at work.
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Why Invest in Psychometrics?

By better understanding the intricacies of professional behaviours and individual mindsets organizations can:
  • Improve morale - Improving the alignment between a team member’s tasks and their personality can result in increased job satisfaction.
  • Reduce workplace conflict - An increased understanding of each team member’s personality and work style can lead to a reduction in misunderstandings and the resulting team conflict.
  • Increase retention - Using psychometrics to improve hiring and placement decisions result in higher employee engagement and reduced turnover.

Psychometric Tools We Use

At Soul Career we focus on self-assessment as the cornerstone of career development. Whatever your professional goals, we believe that a clear understanding of your abilities and interests is essential. Our psychometric tests assist to get a 360° view of our client’s interests and motivations:

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

An introspective personality assessment that makes you more aware of how you see and interact with the world. It gives insight into your motivations and provides you with a strong foundation for personal growth and development.


CareerLeader measures your core interests, skills and motivations and compares your results to the over 500,000 people who have taken the assessment from a variety of business careers. It then predicts career paths that you are likely to enjoy and succeed in and describes the elements of organizational culture that will be key to your success and happiness.


The acronym DISC stands for the four main behavioral traits observed in the workplace: (D)ominance, (I)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness. It compares your natural behaviors to how you’ve adapted those behaviours for the workplace and is used by over one million people each year to better understand themselves and their colleagues.

Internal Saboteurs

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions in the way you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. By utilizing the Saboteur Assessment we enable you to identify your internal saboteurs and ultimately discredit them. This assessment is usually used in conjunction with our 1:1 executive coaching option.

Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP)

An entrepreneurial mindset is a set of beliefs, thought processes, and ways of viewing the world that drive entrepreneurial behavior. The Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) is a self assessment tool based on research into the traits, motivations and skills of successful entrepreneurs. The report compares your profile to the profile of the average successful entrepreneur and average successful corporate manager.

Work With Us


Elevate your professional self by better understanding your personality, motivations, and leadership style.

Starts at $50 per assessment

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Psychometrics Feedback Sessions

Deep dive into your individual session results with a comprehensive review of your assessment.


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Team Assessments & Team Reports

Redefine your group's dynamic by assessing the synergy that fuels your team's collaborative relationships.

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Work With Us

Individual Assessments

Start at $50 per assessment

Team Assessments and Team Reports


Psychometric Feedback Sessions

Quotation done for client

What Clients Say

The psychometrics session opened my eyes to help me align with my purpose. I have learnt that my work self and my personal self are what makes me me and the gifts, talents and characteristics of myself are the things that makes me function at work and otherwise. There is no need to fight against who I am but to align my actions to my purpose to be my best self.
Claudine, NCB
One can never have too many occasions when we are reminded about the importance of collaboration. This is a highly collaborative programme that shows just how more powerful we are when we work together.
Candice, Norbrook Equity Partners
The main take away was understanding each individual and their personality and how best to work and appreciate each other. Firstly, we have to understand each other's personality in order to be better able to work together and understand each other as well as how we communicate with each other.
Anna-Kay, Sandals

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