Corporate Learning

Corporate learning goes beyond simply acquiring new information; it is about creating a company-wide learning culture where the organization and its employees consistently seek to adapt and acquire knowledge.
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Why Invest in Corporate Learning?

Companies focused on establishing high-performance learning can benefit from:
  • Improved revenue and growth.
  • Minimized skill gaps among team members.
  • Reduced employee turnover.
  • Improved mental fitness within their teams.

Sample Topics We Offer

Understanding the self

  • Psychometrics & Career
  • Visioning & Personal Core Values
  • Managing Energy, Conflict, & Time

Positioning for success

  • Developing A Personal Mission Statement
  • Acing Performance Reviews
  • Internal Visibility

becoming strategic

  • Introduction to Strategic Planning
  • Major Projects & Resources
  • Tracking Results

Sustaining performance

  • Building Motivation & Resilience
  • Managing Burnout
  • Life Strategy

Evolving Into A Leader

  • Introduction to Leadership
  • Leading Others
  • Pinnacle Leadership

Managing upwards

  • Becoming Indispensable at Work
  • Managing A Board
  • Getting A Mentor

Our Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu mauris in libero congue finibus. Cras quis elit eget dui finibus pulvinar id sit amet elit. Aenean molestie ex in iaculis dignissim. Maecenas sit amet tellus nec nisl aliquam fermentum scelerisque iaculis odio. Vestibulum nec nisi eu urna tincidunt aliquet vitae non libero. Ut nec mauris eget lacus commodo posuere cursus a odio. Quisque vestibulum lorem mattis metus vulputate, eget congue neque interdum. Etiam lobortis lorem malesuada venenatis euismod. Nulla blandit malesuada justo.Ut elementum facilisis dapibus.

Cras in hendrerit mauris. Nulla facilisi. Mauris a tortor odio. Fusce facilisis sodales semper. Maecenas sed eros malesuada, fringilla leo vehicula, laoreet quam. Donec sed blandit elit. Nunc erat est, euismod finibus dignissim sed, tincidunt et ante. Proin quis massa eget massa eleifend iaculis. Etiam posuere, felis id pulvinar fringilla, mauris enim auctor eros, sed aliquam orci leo et dui. Sed sed libero ligula. Fusce sodales imperdiet eros non aliquet.

the soul career® system

Our 4P framework that redefines the relationship between work and life, allowing talent to thrive.


Use psychometrics to understand what makes employees motivated at work.


Position employees to ace performance reviews, increase visibility, and get promoted.


Help employees to
stay motivated and curious, while avoiding burnout.


Help employees become more strategic, and develop their ability to lead others.

What Clients Say

This program has really taught me about my leadership style and how I can effectively communicate with others who share different values. I have gained useful tools as it relates to time management, strategic planning and managing burnout which I am grateful for. This program has changed the way I look at leadership and I can't wait to implement the things I have learnt with my team.
Shadae, Sygnus
The overall experience and knowledge gained in the programme has assisted me in growing as a leader and professional. The content was relevant and practical to apply not just personally but professionally. The systems, processes and approaches will continue to be used as a framework and reference point. Overall, great experience with the Soul Career® team!
Anadeen, Sygnus
This was one of the most interactive and insightful programs I have participated in. The team’s delightful energy and personality made it very comfortable and the topics were selected with the right purpose. There was so much to learn in a very exciting environment with great participation. I am grateful for your efforts and teaching prowess as it made us all better leaders, planners and most of all it allowed us to understand ourselves better and work on our work/life balance. Thank you for everything!
Della, Sandals

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