Executive Coaching

At Soul Career, our coaching takes leaders on a transformative journey of personal and professional development. Through this process, you gain profound self-insight and make significant strides towards achieving your goals.
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Why Invest in Executive Coaching?

  • 86% of companies report that they more than recouped their investment in coaching
  • 80% of people who receive coaching report increased confidence
  • Over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 
  • Over 60% report increased work - life balance and career opportunities.

Benefits of Coaching

Leverage Your Strengths

Coaching helps to develop your talents and inspires you to attain the best possible performance, drive, motivation, and fulfillment while staying authentic, and true to yourself.

Accelerate Your Growth

The frameworks you learn through training programs need to be supported by changes in mindset and behaviour. Post-training coaching sessions keep training concepts top-of-mind for a longer time.

Develop a Growth Mindset

A positive growth mindset will determine how confidently you show up at work, and the level of well-being and fulfilment in your life. With coaching, you learn how to manage your internal saboteurs and nonfunctional behaviours, reconnect with your purpose, and focus on what is truly important to you.

Count on Your Coach

Your coach is a professional who aims to lead you on your journey of self-discovery and increased awareness. They will help you explore tools, models, exercises, and new perspectives. Your coach becomes your accountability partner and ally, supporting you as you decide to achieve your goals.

Work With Us

6 Session Growth Package



for minimum 6 sessions
6 One-on-One Executive Coaching Sessions, delivered monthly or biweekly.
2 Psychometric Assessments
More than 36 editable worksheets to track progress
3-5 areas focus areas to work on
Coaching development plan with pre-assessment and post-assessment reports

What Clients Say

Before I started coaching I was feeling drained, unlucky and the weight of new professional challenges. During coaching I learnt about my victim saboteur and how to look for the silver lining. I learned to plan my conversations better and use my influence superpowers. After coaching I need to do more about managing upwards challenges and communicating my work value to my boss and in general.
Before I started coaching I prioritized what I believed was relevant and took opinions personally. During coaching I opened my mind to other elements of managing the business that despite seeming simple/ boring they are as important as others. After coaching, I promise myself to excel and continue growing and to pass on some of the knowledge and get more coaching every now and then.
Before I started coaching I did not understand my own personal role in some challenging situations. I felt like a victim and had no agency. During coaching I learnt my own power. After coaching I am better at identifying saboteurs and having agency in my own life.

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